
This site is an attempt at making a personal webspace that would be useful to myself. I wanted it to be as simple as humanly possible without being difficult or awkward to use.

The site was initially designed for use with a Nokia N900 and should work well on the N900.

The index-page is constructed out of a table of squares that streches out to fill the screen. Empty squares are compressed to give more space to the squares that do have content. The entire square is clickable in itself to make the use of smartphones easier. To that end I want to thank "thepeer" at stackoverflow.com for an excellent way to do this without resorting to javascript.

Clicking on a square renders a subpage designed to give the impression of being dropped into the original square.

The "close" buttons at the bottom of the individual subpages were also constructed using the same technique. They are themselves a simplified fractal of the square theme of the site.

The tools used to construct this site was Emacs 24.2.1 on Arch Linux. Firebug on Firefox, Nokia N900 & the Nokia N9.